Health Learning Books

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Health Learning Series

A series by John Davidson

Paleo Diet for Athletes – Health Learning Series

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 1 · Paleo Diet Series, Book 1. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,520. Language: English. Published: January 25, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
So the question arises what is so special about the Paleo diet that makes it worth trying? For starters, the Paleo diet isn’t a new thing; it wasn’t created a few years or decades ago by some professor in a testing lab. The Paleo diet was a result of humans’ fight for survival, it was what our ancestors used to eat 10,000 years ago; right around the time when there were no grocery twin bed sheets
Paleo Diet For Weight Loss – Health Learning Series

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 2 · Paleo Diet Series, Book 2. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,640. Language: English. Published: January 25, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
What is Paleo Diet? Basically, Paleo diet is a fancy word for caveman diet; it’s what our ancestors used to consume tens of thousands of years ago when hunting was the only way to acquire food. The fundamental concepts behind the Paleo diet boil down to the genetic level. Simply put, our DNA has not significantly changed over the past 40 thousand years.
Paleo Diet – Side Effects- Health Learning Series

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 3 · Paleo Diet Series, Book 3. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,120. Language: English. Published: January 25, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
As obvious, the Paleo diet cuts off a lot of carbohydrates and dairy products from one’s diet. When you start up with the Paleo diet, the first few weeks might be particularly hard on you. Many Paleo gurus brush this off by stating this as an adaption phase for your body, from a high-carb diet to a low one. Many people fall for this trap and continue with the diet plan.
Paleo Diet – Good or Bad? An Analysis of Arguments and Counter-Arguments

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 4 · Paleo Diet Series, Book 4. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 6,070. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Read about the pros and cons of the paleo diet that is so popular today. SECTION I – Arguments favoring paleo diet SECTION II – Arguments against paleo diet The perfect diet or just another fad diet?
Amazing Health Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 5. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,840. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
There are different dieting plans present in the world today which can be obtained through different resources. Each of these dieting plans claims to be better than the other one. But the plan mentioned in this book makes no such claims. It is about a popular plan or you should say a complete way of eating and living known as “Intermittent Fasting”.
What Makes Me Fat? How to Eliminate Obesity Naturally!

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 6. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 6,040. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Learn what makes you fat and how to eliminate these factors in your life. An easy to read book to help you live better and eat the right things. Knowledge is power and this book teaches you the proper way to eat and live to live a healthier life. “Overall, more than 10% of the world population is obese” (World health organization- WHO)
Ways to Improve Self-Esteem

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 7. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,350. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
What is the exact definition of self-esteem? How do I boost it? And many more questions would be hovering on your mind. To put it in a light and simple way, self-esteem is your judgmental opinion about yourself. In this book you’ll see for yourself that low self-esteem is not an impregnable dilemma; it is curable and fixable. Furthermore, you will not require any medication or artificial product;
Health Benefits of Meditation – Health Learning Series

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 8. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,510. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
In this book you’ll learn all about the benefits of meditation, how it is done and how it provides relief by using only the body’s own ability and not any medication. You will see that nature doesn’t put a cost on health and well-being. So forget about your stress and take and relax, because your life is about to get a lot better!
How to Avoid Brain Aging – Dementia – Memory Loss – Health Learning Series

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 9. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,440. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Each chapter of this book gives you a deep insight to the basic causes of brain aging and helps answer your basic question: “How to avoid brain aging?” Following the guidelines regarding life style changes, eating habits, social interactions and habits to avoid, you can overcome the problem of brain aging in a quick and effective manner and can lead a healthy and active life.
Eliminate Pain! How to Get Rid of Arthritis and Joint Pain Naturally!

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 10. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,770. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Are you worried about your arthritis problem? Is arthritis pain ruining your life? Does it make you feel useless and handicapped? Do you wish to live a healthy and normal life again? Now arthritis is not an issue of mystery anymore because it can be cured and treated well.
How to Get Rid of Asthma Naturally

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 11. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,490. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Asthma – What is Asthma? Asthma is a common health condition related to an immune reaction taking place in the respiratory track. It’s a breathing disorder characterized by several symptoms like air way obstruction, difficulty in breathing, tightness of chest, coughing and wheezing. Asthma is a serious complication of respiratory track which causes symptoms like chest congestion, coughing.
How to Eliminate Heart Burn and Acid Reflux Naturally – Health Learning Series

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 12. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 6,870. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Are you clueless how to get rid of heart burn? Do you need help overcoming the burning pain you experience before or after eating your meals? Is heart burn ruining your life? No matter how old your problem of heart burn may be, “How to get rid of heart burn and Acid Reflux Naturally” gives you a quick review of all homemade, herbal, allopathic and surgical remedies for heart burn.
How to Get Rid of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension Naturally – Health Learning Series

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 13. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,250. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Each chapter of this book gives you a deep insight to the basic causes of hypertension and helps answer your basic question: “How to get rid of hypertension?” Following the guidelines regarding the life style changes, eating habits, herbal and homemade remedies, and allopathic treatments, mentioned in this book, you can overcome this problem in a quick and effective manner and can prevent the …
How to Reduce the Chances of a Heart Attack

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 14. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,360. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
“About 7,250,000 Americans have a heart attack each year” This book will attempt to highlight the fact that you can, by knowing about heart attack and what risks it poses, make subtle changes in your routine and diet that will go a long way towards reducing the risk of heart attack.
Medical Conditions Requiring Paleo Diet – Health Learning Series

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 15. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 6,370. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
This book discusses the advantages of paleo diet over modern diet relevant to the cure of diseases and assumes the position that indeed, paleo diet can be the solution for the major diseases of our age.
Natural Cures of Anxiety – Health Learning Series

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 16. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,420. Language: English. Published: January 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
In this book you’ll learn how to counter every disorder associated with anxiety and you’ll learn to do it naturally! Therefore, just relax and get ready to get all that uninvited anxiety right out of your system.
The Magic of Basil – Tulsi To Heal Naturally

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 17 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 1. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,900. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Basil has long been known as a valuable herb through the ages, when it was used to flavor foods. But this herb has also been a valuable an integral part of ancient alternative medicine. More than 4000 years ago, one of the greatest of ancient doctors Charaka wrote in his compendium that the juice from the leaves of the sacred basil mixed with honey taken three times a day could cure patients.
The Magic of Cardamoms For Cooking and Health

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 18 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 2. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,220. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Cardamoms are considered to be one of the most expensive and precious spices in the world today, taking their place along with saffron, cinnamon, cloves and vanilla. So what is the magic about this fruit, which has made it the cause for sailors and soldiers going out to conquer lands where this plant was a native and grown extensively?
The Magic of Cloves For Healing and Cooking

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 20 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 4. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 6,780. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
This book is going to tell you all about the magic of cloves, which has been considered to be one of the most precious spices treasured down the centuries by the West. Wars were fought for cardamoms, cinnamon, pepper and cloves. Trade routes to the Indies, and to the East were jealously guarded by adventurous traders in the West.
The Magic of Coconuts For Cooking and Health

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 21 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 5. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,400. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Did you know that more than one third of the world subsists on coconuts for survival? Many Countries have based their economies on coconut products. And that is why, in many parts of the East, cutting down the coconut tree is taboo, because of its spiritual, emotional, and traditional associated bond with human beings. Coconuts are extremely rich in minerals, vitamins and in fiber.
Health Benefits of Cinnamon

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 23 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 7. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,390. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
There is hardly anyone who does not consume spices regularly in one form or another. Spices find diverse uses ranging from natural flavor enhancement and brain simulation to traditional herbal medicine. There was a time when the spice trade was considered the most profitable and lucrative business by merchants who sailed from the West to the Indies.
The Health Benefits of Oregano For Healing and Cooking

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 24 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 8. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,790. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Of the many beneficial spices and herbs that nature has provided, oregano is one of particular note. Known scientifically as origanum vulgare, it belongs to the mint family and belongs originally to the warm to moderate regions of Eurasia and the Mediterranean. Having a height ranging from twenty to eighty centimeters, it is characterized by opposite leaves and flowers that are purple and spiked.
The Magic of Lemons – Using Lemons for Health and Beauty

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 25 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 9. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 7,920. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
The characteristic sourness of the lemon, is due to the citric acid content in it. That is why lemon juice, as well as its rind and pulp, is used in culinary preparations, all over the world. The whole of the lemon fruit can be used, with the rind ground to add a flavor to special baked dishes. Lemon juice or even the peel of the dried lemon can be used for preparing beauty products.
The Magic of Neem Margosa to Heal

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 30 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 14. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 8,130. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
No Indian garden is considered to be complete without a Neem tree growing. This is a long living tree, which has come down in Indian mythology as one of the gifts of the gods, given to the people of Jambudwipa- the prehistoric and historic name of the area which consisted of the Indian subcontinent. That is the reason why this plant is worshipped in many ancient traditional rituals of religions.
The Magic of Carrots To Cure and to Heal

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 33 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 17. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,170. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Carrots belong to the same family, as other herbs like Parsley, cumin, dill and fennel. In fact, in most countries, the carrot greens are not discarded, but they are dried and used as herbs in cooking. So the next time you decide to harvest carrots, you do not throw away the tops. Instead, dry them, and try them out as dried herbs sprinkled on your soups. 77% of the carrot taproot is Beta carotene
The Magic of Dry Fruit and Spices With Healthy Remedies and Tasty Recipes

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 34 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 18. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,850. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
The first medicinal compendium in the East was written more than 5000 years ago in India and before that, in China. In the West, also Western Wise men , especially in Greece, more than 3000 years ago began noting down the knowledge of the nature of plants and they are medicinal value and remedies, taught to them by their teachers and masters.
The Magic of Gooseberries For Health and Beauty

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 35 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 19. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 10,110. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Gooseberry shrubs can be found all over the world, where the climate has plenty of sun, and the humidity content in the air is high. Native American gooseberries are larger than their Asian counterparts. Not only is this an excellent medicinal plant, but it is also well-known for its beautifying qualities.
The Magic of Onions – Onions in Cuisine to Cure and to Heal

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 36 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 20. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 8,160. Language: English. Published: February 26, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Is there really Magic in onions, you may say, because according to you, onions are those sharp and pungent smelling, vegetables, which you normally do not allow within smelling distance of your nose and kitchen? The onions eaten by men more than 5000 years ago, according to archaeological findings may have been wild onions, but 3000 years ago, Egyptians were writing about cultivated onions.
Health Benefits of Rosemary For Cooking and Health

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 37 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 21. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,600. Language: English. Published: February 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Health Benefits of Rosemary For Cooking and Health – Rosemary is an herb which is surprisingly understated, but once you’ve read of its benefits, you’ll be convinced that it deserves to stand beside the most renowned of herbal medicines!
Health Benefits of Turmeric – Curcumin For Cooking and Health

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 38 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 22. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 5,400. Language: English. Published: February 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
This book will tell you about the health benefits of turmeric and how it cures & help fight fatal ailments. After reading this book, you will be surprised about how little you knew about this super spice and how including it in your daily life can bring back your body from the verge of expiration.
The Magic of Spices For Good Health and in Your Cuisine

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 39 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 23. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,210. Language: English. Published: February 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
The words “spice” in itself conjures up an exotic sense of something rare, something precious and valuable. Blessed be the man, who found out millenniums ago that there were grains, vegetables and fruit, which could be eaten and enjoyed. After that, there were other herbs which could enhance the taste of the pottages he made with the fruit, vegetables and grain.
How to Be a Good Home Nurse – Tips on your family’s health

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 40. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 9,960. Language: English. Published: February 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Each of us is growing older with every passing moment, and most of us subconsciously have a nagging worry about who is going to take care of us, when we get old or when we are sick. Women, far more than men dread the idea of growing old. That is because they subconsciously have the fear that there will be nobody to take care of them, then they grow comparatively old and helpless.
The Magic of Radishes to Cure and to Heal

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 41 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 24. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 7,740. Language: English. Published: February 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
The Romans could not do without the radish. In fact, it was eaten raw, cooked, boiled, made into salads, and not only the taproot, but even the leaves were finished by those people who enjoyed good food. The ancient Greeks and Romans used to make a paste of radish and onions with dried fish and eat it with every meal.
The Magic of Roses For Cooking and Beauty

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 42 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 25. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 7,430. Language: English. Published: February 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
As hybridization of roses is an easy process, those 160 species grew up into 6000 species of roses of cultivars and hybrids. Prevost and Pepinieriste wrote down 880 names of different rose species in their Rose catalog. But other rose species, which were native to northwest Africa and North America were already being in use for medical purposes, cooking purposes, beautification purposes.
The Magic of Pomegranates For Health and Beauty

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 43 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 26. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 8,290. Language: English. Published: February 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Ancient medical treatises in Egypt and Persia consider pomegranates to be a powerhouse of good health. That is because they thought that this fruit could cure people of many ills. The Latin name for pomegranate is Punica granatum. One wonders whether the Romans fought the Punic wars with Carthage, to rule over lands where they could get pomegranates.
The Magic of Salt To Heal and for Beauty

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 44 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 27. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 8,940. Language: English. Published: February 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
In this book of our Miracle Series, you are going to know more about the power of a very common ingredient, found in every one’s kitchen. This is salt, without which any salty dish is going to lose its savor and flavor. Imagine food without salt! Salt was held to be so precious in ancient times, that Roman soldiers were given salt daily at night, as salary.
The Magic of Vegetables – Ancient Healing Remedies and Tips

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 45 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 28. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 6,540. Language: English. Published: February 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Nothing can take the place of cereals and grains in your daily diet in the same manner, vegetables have their own invaluable and irreplaceable place in the diet groups which make up your daily meals. The benefits of vegetables eaten raw, or cooked, then means that you are going to have a tasty meal, with natural digestive products being added to your system.
The Magic of Yogurt For Cooking and Beauty

By John Davidson
Series: Health Learning Series, Book 46 · Herbal Remedy Series, Book 29. Price: $2.99 USD. Words: 4,500. Language: English. Published: February 27, 2014. Category: Nonfiction
Nobody has told us how yogurt was discovered and by whom. But in ancient Indian medicine texts, the mixture of honey with yogurt eaten every day is considered to be the food of the gods to keep you everlastingly healthy. The enzymes produce lactic acid. Lactic acid is what is going to ferment the lukewarm milk. It is also what makes your yogurt sour if you leave it in a warm place after the yogurt

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