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Grandma’s Household Tips Hints and Recipes


Grandma’s Household Tips Hints and Recipes Volume 2

Table of Contents
Hamburger Tips
Hamburger Roll
Bacon and Eggs Sticking?
Getting Rid of Coffee Grounds
Taking care of Kitchen Fires
Homemade Candy As Gifts – Keeping It Fresh
Old-Fashioned Fudge.
No Cook Fudge
Baking Potatoes Tip
Potato Full Meal Dish.
What to Do with Whipped Cream That Does Not Separate
Making the Perfect Whipped Cream
Whipped Cream for Cake Frosting
How to Preserve Cooking Oil?
Making Sure a Sauce Does Not Dry
Béchamel sauce
Peanut Sauce – This Comes Straight from Jakarta
Keeping Your Mustard Moist
How to Thicken a Soup
Getting the Most Perfect Boiled Rice
Stop Milk from Boiling over or scalding
How Did Grandma Preserve Butter?
Cooking Asparagus
Taking Care of Leftovers
Traditional Salad Dressing
French Dressing
Low-Calorie Dressing
Sour Cream Dressing
Preserving cured ham
Keeping Your Dishwasher Smelling Fresh
Freshening up Stale Cheese
Quick Emergency cake Dessert
Quick Meals for the Busy Person
Weekends and Vegetables
Author Bio

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Grandma was a very sensible and practical person. She knew the value of money, and that is why she kept on using shortcuts in order to keep the household expenses down. Apart from that, she made sure that she picked up all the useful household tips, which she got from her friends, and implemented them in her life.
Some of these tips are so common sense that one wonders why we forgot about using them in the 21st century.
So here are some of her tips, in the kitchen, in beauty, in good health, and around the house and gardens, which you are going to find extremely amusing, amazing and astounding.
Let us start with something we enjoy very much – hamburgers. Read more…

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