Health Learning Books

JD-Biz Corp Publishing

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Natural Cures for Acne


Natural Cures for Acne

Table of contents
SECTION 1: A Glance At Acne
Chapter 1:
Acne: An Intro.
Chapter 2:
Understanding Pimples.
Chapter 3:
Time To Worry
Chapter 4:
Recipe Card of Acne
Chapter 5:
What Makes Acne Grow Enormously?
Menstrual cycle:
Hot climate:
Tweaking the pimple:
Bad hygiene:
If you’re wondering whether alcohol causes skin issues, check out
SECTION 2: Give a Punch to Acne
Chapter 1:
Sanative Lifestyle
Chapter 2:
Intrude On Your Kitchen
Chapter 3:
Hunt For Herbs/Spices.
Chapter 4:
Diet For Right

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How badly we all wanted to be a teenager when we were little kids? But who knew this teenage comes with incalculable challenges of acne. Being a teenager, you have gone through the times, when you looked at yourself in the mirror and screeched, “No, not again, a pimple”. Then surely there is rush to peel your face in order to make this bad mark disappear. If so, then we are here to help you out.
If you are an acne sufferer, then this book will help you find out quick and easy recipes to kick the pimple out of your skin. On reading this book, you will have a new understanding of your problem. Each chapter of this book contains all the information that can help you to combat acne and give yourself a fresh morning. Read more…

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