Health Learning Books

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Natural Cures for Acne


Natural Cures for Acne

Table of contents
SECTION 1: A Glance At Acne
Chapter 1:
Acne: An Intro.
Chapter 2:
Understanding Pimples.
Chapter 3:
Time To Worry
Chapter 4:
Recipe Card of Acne
Chapter 5:
What Makes Acne Grow Enormously?
Menstrual cycle:
Hot climate:
Tweaking the pimple:
Bad hygiene:
If you’re wondering whether alcohol causes skin issues, check out
SECTION 2: Give a Punch to Acne
Chapter 1:
Sanative Lifestyle
Chapter 2:
Intrude On Your Kitchen
Chapter 3:
Hunt For Herbs/Spices.
Chapter 4:
Diet For Right

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How badly we all wanted to be a teenager when we were little kids? But who knew this teenage comes with incalculable challenges of acne. Being a teenager, you have gone through the times, when you looked at yourself in the mirror and screeched, “No, not again, a pimple”. Then surely there is rush to peel your face in order to make this bad mark disappear. If so, then we are here to help you out.
If you are an acne sufferer, then this book will help you find out quick and easy recipes to kick the pimple out of your skin. On reading this book, you will have a new understanding of your problem. Each chapter of this book contains all the information that can help you to combat acne and give yourself a fresh morning. Read more…


The Magic of Asafetida For Cooking and Healing


The Magic of Asafetida For Cooking and Healing

Table of Contents
How to Grow Asafetida
Harvesting the Sap
Type of Soil?
Watering Your Plant
Sowing the Seedlings
Asafetida to Heal
Fishing Bait
Ceremonial Magic
Throat Infections
Influenza Remedy
Urinary Infections
Bronchitis Cure
Heeng Spicy Mix
Arthritis Oil
Strengthening a Heart
Healthy Heart Mix
Suffering from Diarrhea/Dysentery
Mango Cure
So How Do You Make Buttermilk?
Making Clarified Butter the Traditional Way
Tempering Your Food with Asafetida.
Chicken in the Wok.
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This book introduces you to one of the most notorious of all spices – the Asafetida. Many people do not use it, as a flavoring ingredient in their foods, because they say it smells. Nevertheless, this spice has been an integral part of the cuisine found near the regions, of the NWFP , which is now called Afghanistan.
My father was born in this area, and he talks about remembering Pakhtoons crossing the border with their backpacks full of dried fruit, Asafetida, and spices, which they used to grow on the mountains of Afghanistan. This Asafetida was collected as sap from the taproot of an indigenous plant, which grew extensively all over that region.
He remembers, running after the gruff Afghani salesmen saying “Khan-a, Kharo Moshai” which was a greeting to the Khan. In return, a gruff baritone would always answer Khara Moshay in return. These vendors sold their products, from door to door, and one knew that they were going to be getting original spices, dry fruits, as well as natural Asafetida without any sort of adulteration. That is why this spice is so expensive. Implementing a comprehensive Japanese knotweed management plan could help mitigate its spread and preserve the ecosystem’s integrity.
The call of these door to door salesman always used to be “Heeng-o-jeera” which meant Asafetida and cumin seeds. That is why, Asafetida cannot do without cumin seeds and vice versa, when you are cooking a traditionally Eastern dish.
It is on par with saffron, which is often adulterated with other dried flower stamens. Pure Asafetida powder is going to have its particular smell and that is why it is not used more than one pinch to give any dish, a taste of onions or leeks.
Since ancient times, Asafetida has been used as a medicine to cure lots of ailments. In the West, it was considered to be the devils dung, because of its fetid odor and lumpy yellowish dung like look. That is why it was used in black magic rituals. No wonder it got a notorious reputation in medieval times.
Any woman buying this spice would immediately be labeled as a Devil’s disciple, and would either be burned at the stake or ducked in the nearest pond. However, this sort of ritualism was definitely not a part of Eastern cuisine, or Eastern ancient medical alternative medicine tradition.
This is also known as giant fennel, and as fennel is traditionally called ajowain, Asafetida was called jowani badian- the badian meaning excellent in the vernacular. So excellent fennel!
Tempering in the Indian subcontinent cannot do without Asafetida. Every proud housewife has this ingredient in her kitchen, and all she has to do is put clarified butter in the wok, a hefty pinch of Asafetida, and some onion seeds and mustard seeds. When they start spluttering, she empties out her lentils dish or meat dish on top of this red-hot tempering oil. It will be served sizzling hot to people who enjoy their food.
In many parts of India, many people do not eat onions and garlic, because traditionally, they consider these herbs of not being a part of their ancient and traditional religious beliefs. That is why a pinch of Asafetida was enough to give the food an “onion taste.”
South Indian food, traditionally the sambhar you eat with traditional vegetarian foods like idli and dosai are tempered with a small bit of Asafetida, so that this food is acceptable to even all those people who are extremely particular about garlic, and onions in their diets! This tempering is called Popu in South India and Tadka in North India. Read more..


25 Essential Herbs You Need to Know


25 Essential Herbs You Need to Know

Table of Contents
Sage – Leaves
Mint – Herb – Mentha spicata.
Mint Jelly
Mint Julep
Ginger – Roots
Ginger Tips
Ginger for Skin Infections
Ginger Ale
Coriander [Cilantro] – Coriandrum Sativum – leaves, seeds
Chives – Allium choenoprasum – leaves
Sauce Tartare
Plant Cuttings with Heels
Lavender Seeds
Lavender Bags
Lavender Potpourri
Bergamot – Momarda Didyma – leaves, bark and flowers
Bergamot Tea Infusion.
Dill – Poucedomum Graveolus – Seeds and Leaves
Fennel – Foeniculum vulgare – F.officinale – Leaves, Stem And Seed
Chamomile Anthemis nobilis – flowers
How to Make a Chamomile Lawn
Parsley Petroselinum Crispum – Leaves.
Maître D’hôtel Butter
Drying Parsley
Rosemary – rosemarinus officinalis – whole sprig
Hungary Water
Rosemary Tea
Rosemary Scalp Tonic
Thyme – Thymus vulgaris – Leaves
Thyme Vinegar
Aloe Vera
Growing Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera for Beauty
Face Wash Mixture
PH Balanced Skin Toner –
Basil – Oscimum basilicum – leaves
Basil Vinegar
Carraway (Caraway) – Carum carvi – seeds, leaves, root.
Chervil – Anthriscus cerefolium – leaves and roots
Chervil Vinegar
Hyssop – Hyssopus officinalis – young shoots
Hyssop Tea.
Garlic – Allium sativum – bulb
Comfrey – Symphytum caucisicum – leaves
Violet – Viola odorata – Leaves And Flowers
Violet Cure for Insomnia
Violet pudding
Marjoram – origamum omits – leaves
Tarragon – artemisia dracunculus – leaves.
Tarragon Vinegar
Angelica – Angelica archangelica – stem
Crystallizing Angelica
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Just imagine a world without herbs. You would be flavoring your food with spices or even with natural minerals, because you did not know all about the value of the plant world to make a difference between a bland dish, and a delicious one.
Also, just imagine trying to get rid of a cold more than 5000 years ago, by rubbing your face with cold water. Until somebody decided that he was feeling really cold and he needed something hot to drink. So he just put some water on to boil, but because he did not like the taste of bland water, he just added some nice green leaves. Hey, this chance combination turned out to be really tasty. It also happened to cure his cold and made him feel really warm. Similarly, consider the journey of those seeking to get help for addiction today, discovering unexpected remedies in their pursuit of recovery. If you’re interested in exploring the world of herbs further, you can try

Believe it or not, most of the herbal lore, which has passed down to us down the ages has been found due to experimentation or by Lucky chances. Also, anything which my goats, sheep, horses and cattle liked may not have suited my innards and vice versa. That is why you do not give your cats and dogs , well spiced food, especially your pizza remains, unless you want them really sick.
At that time people did not know much about writing, because we are talking about prehistoric times. However, down the generations, they passed on this knowledge to the people of their tribe. And when they met up with other people of other tribes, they shared this knowledge.
This continued some sensible person decided that this knowledge had to be stored up for the use of future generations. And so this compile addition of herbal lore and information was born and the teachers, the wise men helped mankind for ages to come. If you’re interested in Nutritional and Herbal Drink Recipes, you can check out these helpful resources for more information.
This included the knowledge of the essential oils in the plants.

Basil and mint essential oils are excellent for cooking and in beauty products.

Many of the herbs and remedies known to our ancestors have been lost with the passage of time. However, a lot of these remedies are still being rediscovered by chance, or through documents, found in excavations. Many of the plants which were so common during the time of the Pharaohs are now extinct.
Nevertheless, their knowledge can be considered to be the basis of modern medical knowledge. They knew all about how to use onions to cure colds, as well as heart diseases. Thanks to the Eber papyri , modern researchers are researching on the benefit of onions to cure heart ailments. Read more…


6 Days to D-Day The Six Day Naturally Beautiful Regime for That Special Day


6 Days to D-Day The Six Day Naturally Beautiful Regime for That Special Day

Table of contents
Day 6
Combating sun exposure
Getting rid of winter tan
How to make Rose water
Honey lotion
Getting rid of pimples scars
Get rid of pimples
Natural soap
Moisturizing lotion
Day 5
Face bleaching
Dark circles
Day 4
Tooth bleacher
Skin tightener
Day 3
Hand care
Keeping your legs beautiful
Leg exercises
Stylish sitting pose
Day 2
Removing blackheads
Body odor
Hair care
Special D-Day
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Man is a social being and that is the reason why his life is going to be filled up with social occasions celebrating good times with other like-minded social beings. So naturally if you are fortunate enough to have a full social life with parties, celebrations, and family get-togethers throughout the year, you would want to look just that bit extra scintillating and fascinating, would you not?

Now she knows how to look good all the time. So can you!
Yes, it is said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, but do you know that some of the most “beautiful” women in history were plain looking. But their vivid personality made them really fascinating, and that is why people forgot that they did not have perfect classical Grecian features and the immediate allure of a Venus – Aphrodite. Nevertheless, when you get 1 months prior notice with an unspoken hint of “make sure that you Be There with bells on” and also “here is hoping that the gift that you bring will be substantial,” you know that you will need to be looking your best. And if you happen to be the bride, that means that you are going to be the cynosure of all eyes. That puts on that extra burden of you outshining all the other lovelies who have spent the whole month leisurely getting ready for just this occasion, while you rushed around getting things ready for the wedding.
Anyway, this invitation is quite enough for all the women recipients to immediately make an appointment with their favorite beauty parlors, or start to plaster and paste their faces with chemical cosmetics in the hope that they will look exquisitely beautiful on D-Day and also be the envy of all the other women around them.
It is not necessary to spend so many dollars upon expensive chemical cosmetics when the ingredients are available in right there in your kitchen or easily available in your favorite store.It takes just 6 days for you to know that you are looking your best, that your complexion is glowing and clean and that you are feeling good.
So this six-day regime is going to tone you up from top to toe, and all you have to do is sit back and smiled graciously at the appreciative looks and comments on D-Day. Read more..


Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Beauty Recipes


Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Beauty Recipes

Table of Contents
Monday’s Child Is Fair of Face
The Healing Power of Infused Oil
Remedies for winter-
Stiff Joints…
Quit your Bellyachin’!
Simple Perfumed Ointments
Natural Cures For Summer Ailments

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A couple of years ago, somebody asked me what made me so interested in herbal remedies and natural cures as well as natural beauty recipes? That is when I told him that the wisdom of the ancients had not been garnered together, and would be lost as the generations forgot about asking their old wise ancestors, the Lore which they knew. So I was seven years old, when I decided to myself that I needed to know everything about what my grandmother had learned from her grandmother. And I started writing those ancient natural remedies and beauty recipes down.
More than three decades later, I started writing books on natural remedies and natural herbal recipes, which I collected, whenever I went around the countryside. People used to go around looking at the places to visit; I used to go around asking for the oldies of the village who would give me herbal remedies and recipes. In around 30 years, I collected thousands of these recipes, which were and are still being used by villagers and townsfolk and which have been given to them down the ages. And they work, because all the ingredients are natural. And also, the genetic makeup of hard-working people living in an unpolluted atmosphere helped in keeping them healthy. So they did not have to go running to a doctor whenever they caught a sniffle. They knew the easiest herbal tisane in which would put them straight in a couple of days.
Now, I spent my childhood and youth in jungles as well as in remote areas in all corners of the compass, where nobody believed in medicines, – and sometimes medical access for serious cases was able only through air lifting by a helicopter – but everybody believed in the power of nature and her curative properties. Also, plenty of exercise, a good and healthy diet and grandma’s natural remedies kept us healthy and happy. And the funny thing is that the only times we got sick with measles, mumps, and chickenpox was when we came down from the mountains to the cities and the towns during our annual vacations. The moment we got back into the healthy atmosphere of the mountains, with plenty of fresh air, plenty of fruit and drink and plenty of opportunities to create lots of childish mischief and mayhem, we were content and happy children again.
We never knew that there were medicines which you needed to pop to keep healthy. Have you ever wondered, how long does it take chlorophyll to work ?
Is not this the natural trend of the 21st century “civilized” person? You have lost your faith in natural remedies to keep you healthy. You would rather buy something expensive, which is being endorsed by your favorite star. I am certain she never uses that medicine herself, because it is made up of chemicals. These chemicals are going to have a harmful after effect on your body. The first thing you do when you wake up is take some vitamins with your breakfast. After that, you take some vitamins or pills to pep you up. Then you take the medicines prescribed to you by a doctor.
Count the times you take some sort of medicine in the shape of a pill, vitamin, and drug throughout the day. And then can you believe someone who has not been to see a doctor for the last 30 years? There are plenty of octogenarians in our area who believe in natural remedies and good diets to keep them healthy. They are all grandpas and grandmas. They do not coddle themselves with pills and medicines. Read more…


Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Beauty Recipes – Natural Remedies and Beauty Recipes From Your Kitchen And Garden


Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Beauty Recipes
Natural Remedies and Beauty Recipes From Your Kitchen And Garden

Table of Contents
Rules for Staying Healthy [With My Views, Opinions and Experience.]
Remedies for Different Ailments
Hemorrhoids cream
What Is Black Salt?
Oh, Those Pearlies… (Tooth and mouth care)
Loose gums
Ulcers in your mouth
Drooling/Excess salivation
Toothache powder
Sensitive teeth
The Magic Of Face Masks
How to Make Your Own Personalized Face Masks?
Masks for a dry skin
Tomato mask
What is Fuller’s Earth?
Orange mask
Masks for an oily skin
Honey mask.
Cucumber mask
How to make salty lassi to prevent dehydration in summer
Mattha – spicy lassi
Recipe- How to make jalebis dripping in sugar syrup
How to make Desi Ghee (clarified butter).
How to make Rose water (Gulab Jal)
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Somebody asked me once why I did not become a doctor and then join the Defense Services as a Doctor like the majority of my family members? Here was I with an easily obtained Degree in Natural Sciences and all my knowledge – garnered during a peripatetic childhood and youth-about natural remedies, ancient medicine and natural healing processes.
The medical or the engineering fields were the only options left for good students, during the time I was at University. And I give them my stock answer, which I consider logical and sensible, “If I become a doctor, I will be giving my patients chemical-based medicine, and I will just be curing their bodies. On the other hand, if I stick to my habit of learning more about natural remedies and ancient remedies, I will be curing their bodies, as well as fighting the disease from the root onwards.”
My grandmother had learned about natural remedies and beauty recipes from her grandmother, and this wisdom was passed down the ages, from mother to daughter. For millenniums, every mother in every ancient civilization taught her daughters the rudimentary art of survival and staying beautiful and youthful with fruits, vegetables, spices, and herbs. This is now considered to be alternative medicine by doctors in the West. But this was the medicine with which people survived through centuries and stayed healthy.
So if you believe in natural remedies, and naturopathic treatments, the cures are right around you. But many of us would rather go to a doctor and get some expensive medicine. The side effect of that medicine is going to be that some other part of our system is going to get affected. After that we go back to the doctor again and get some medicine to treat that side effect. That medicine produces another side effect. This is going to be your way of living for the rest of your life. However, if you eat natural medicines, you are never going to suffer from any sort of side effects. That is because natural products are more tuned to your body’s systems and natural needs, than chemical drugs are.
Say no to chemical drugs as far as possible
For all those who have read Lloyd C Douglas’ Magnificent Obsession and liked it, Mr. Douglas had some more words spoken by another of his popular characters, in “Disputed Passage”. That doctor said something on the lines of – it is not our duty to just cure the body. We have to cure the mind and spirit too and heal them”, much to the disgust of doctor Tubby Forrester, who considered every human to be a machine which needed to be put right, and where did emotions and spirit and soul come into this curing process?
At the end of the story, Dr. Forrester had to accept the fact that human beings had to be treated by doctors who understood their psychological, mental, spiritual and emotional makeup. Unfortunately, this is not being done today, because doctors are harried, and have to see a number of patients till the end of a day. Read more…


Grandma’s Herbal Lore – Ancient Herbal Recipes and Remedies


Grandma’s Herbal Lore – Ancient Herbal Recipes and Remedies – Volume 5

Table of Contents
Delicious, Refreshing Traditional Healthy Drinks
How to make the perfect Nimbu pani – Lime Juice
Lassi – Buttermilk
Buttermilk And Grapes As a Cancer Cure
For Victims Of Strokes
Kidney stones
Piles remedy
Hair Care
How to Get Rid of Baldness:
Alopecia Areata
Burning to An Ash
What on earth is Desi Ghee?
Premature Graying of Hair
How to Darken Your Hair Naturally
Gooseberry oil
Preventing Hair Loss
Early Stages of Asthma
What Is the Best Diet for a Person Suffering from Asthma?
Sciatica remedy
Knowing about Hot and Cold Foods
Bacopa scrophulariaceae-Bhrahmi Booti
Memory Loss
Get rid of bedbugs
get rid of cockroaches
‘Ear, ‘Ear
Garlic remedy
Kum Kum
Periodic Deafness
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In volume 5 of Grandma’s natural remedies, with herbal lore and ancient recipes, you are going to get an excellent critique mixture of the knowledge of the ages, brought around to us through papyri , books and trial and error experiments done by the ancients. The word of mouth results, have been the product of years of experimentation done millenniums ago.
When did grandma become the epitome of wisdom and experience? Well, we should go back millenniums, when it was the job of the oldest generation to take care of the youngest generation, while the adults generation in between went out to collect food, water and other basic necessities necessary for survival.
The job of raising and training the children was left to those people who were most experienced. It is possibly this reason why the oldest and the youngest generations still find that they are more compatible and comfortable with each other, due to natural preference, instinctive selection and human psychological and social behavior.
So the children of the tribe, group, gathering, and city were put in charge of the elders, who used to talk to them about their ancient traditions, talk to them by their own grandparents. The rules and regulations of living in society and getting to know one’s own place in the hierarchy of a tribe was thus transmitted from generation to generation through these elders.
Grandpa trained the kids with tribal knowledge and physical exercise. Grandma was in charge of their overall emotional, spiritual and physical well-being. She was responsible for their health, well-being, food and other essential things necessary to keep children healthy and well-balanced members of the family and later on the tribe.

…and that caring instinct still is present…
That is why the matriarch – mother – was given the job of passing on the herbal knowledge to the girls in the family, preparing them to be future matriarchs taking care of their own families, as years went by. The boys were trained into becoming warriors, teachers, farmers, food gatherers or in other professions by the males of the tribe.
So the lines were demarcated out very clearly in well-regulated times since ancient days. The house, home and hearth and other duties pertaining to a domestic nature was under the jurisdiction of the females. The land, the preservation, cultivation and protection of the area around it was under the jurisdiction of the males.
So it was the man’s prerogative to be the hunter and the warrior, to feed and protect his family and tribe. Read more..


Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Recipes


Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Recipes – Volume 4

Table of Contents
What is The Importance Of fruit, vegetables, herbs And spices?
Spices in Your Daily Diet
Grandma – Cook and Medicine Woman
Garam Masala Recipe
Massaman Masala
Grandma’s Herbal Tips
Controlling High Blood Pressure
Why Grandma Did Not Fuss
Curing Cuts, Bruises And Wounds
Nervous problems/Irritability
Obesity Cure
Curry leaves
Lemon Juice Regime
Losing weight Through Exercise? How Boring!
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In this fourth volume of grandma’s ancient natural remedies and herbal recipes, you are going to get a collection of recipes, in which grandmother used fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices to cure her family and also the neighbors around her.
These remedies were given to her down the ages from our grandmother, and so on. Many of these remedies have been lost in the mists of time, but there were still some people in ancient times who wrote these remedies down in books.
In 800 BC, Homer praised the knowledge of ancient Egyptians, who were extremely skilled in noninvasive surgery, and treatment of ailments. Ancient well-known Greek and Roman medicine men like Galen and Hippocrates gained plenty of their knowledge studying in the University of Amenhotep and the great and glorious physician Lucanus – known in Biblical history as Saint Luke – studied under Greek and Egyptian physicians.
There were plenty of physicians who believe in spells, and considered that disease was caused by evil demons. Tibetan and other Eastern medicine still uses incantations to get rid of demons which have possessed a human or an animal body, thus causing it to get sick.
In Indian and Chinese medicine, the ancient doctors had a good knowledge of the human anatomy. More than 4000 years ago, doctors in India were practicing plastic surgery, by making up noses from flaps of skin taken from other parts of the body. In the same manner, Chinese doctors knew all about blood circulation and acupuncture.
In fact, Chinese medicine can be considered to be one of the most ancient, scientific and knowledgeable science ever known to mankind in today’s world. It was well documented, as was Egyptian medicine, of which many ancient priceless papyri have been found.
Many of these ancient doctors knew about cause and effect, even though the belief of disease causing demons possessing a body still lingers on in many parts of the East. People are also under the impression that diseases are under the control and power of gods and goddesses who have to be placated so that they do not send an epidemic in the coming rainy season.
Egypt, China, Greece, Mesopotamia, and India were fertile lands. That is why there was absolutely no reason why the people living here could not have plenty of healthy food to eat. Grains, fruit, vegetables, cereals, spices, nuts, and other natural health giving food were in abundance. This is why the ancients lived so long. Because of this healthy natural diet, and most of the people living outdoors, ailments and illnesses were few.

That is why people of the 21st century are coming back to nature and looking for natural remedies based on fruit and vegetables, which are going to cure them of diseases and ailments. Chemical-based drugs may heal you very well on a short-term basis, but they are going to have an everlasting long-term effect on your body. That is because they are made up of chemicals, which do not suit the bio-physiological functioning system of your body.
On the other hand, fruits and vegetables as well as herbs are going to heal your body naturally, while making sure that you do not suffer from any sort of side effects. This is the reason why grandma ‘s collected herbal lore and knowledge is all about the wonderful medical and beauty enhancing benefits of different herbs, spices, fruit, vegetables and flowers. Read more…


Grandma’s Household Hints and Recipes Using Time Tested Economical Tips in Your Home


Grandma’s Household Hints and Recipes Using Time Tested Economical Tips in Your Home
Time tested old tips and recipes for a 21st Century Householder

In the Kitchen
Spreading hard butter
Prevent Glasses From Breaking
Opening stubborn bottle tops
Cooking with green vegetables
Treat burns
Making bread and cookie crumbs instantly
Making self rising flour
Making pie crust flaky
Making pickled onion and cucumber in vinegar
Separating egg whites from yolks
Pungent fishy smell
Keeping fruit and vegetables fresh
How to open a coconut or crack pecan nuts?
Sugar syrup making.
Keep your refrigerator sweet
Stains under the nails
Straining soup without clogging
Peeling carrots
Best way of slicing bacon
Keep cream from curdling
Get more juice out of lemons
Mixing board slab
Skinning tomatoes easily
Absorbing Extra Salt in the Food
Onions, onions, onions
Tenderize meat
Testing mushrooms
Stop fish from breaking up when frying:
How to remove a cake without its breaking up
Preventing rice grains from sticking
Getting rid of pests
Get rid of moths
Get rid of rats and mice
Prevent Boiling Eggs from Cracking
Home remedies
Pimple remedy
Gastric trouble
Insomnia remedy
In the House
Fresh paint smell
Keeping flowers fresh
Removing grease stains on wallpaper
Cleaning Glass Panes
Protection Against Spilled Water on bed
Sofa cushions stuffing
For Clogged Lavatory Basins
Clean Bath Tub and sink
To Clean Mirrors
To Clean and Purify a Sponge
Lemon clothes whitener
Remove scorch stains from white clothes
Cutting old glass bottles without cutting yourself
Sagging cane chairs
Uses of velveteen
Thawing out icy steps
Using Plaster of Paris to Mend Walls
Stain removing hints
Fruit, tea, wine and coffee stains
Indelible ink stains
Grease stains from white woolens
Remove Perspiration Stains
Mud Stains
Blood stains
Remove mildew
Car grease stains
Wax stains
Tar Spots
Iodine Stains
Blueberry stains
Rust stains
Ink stains
To Remove Ink from linen after it has dried in
Ink on Carpet
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I began looking at grandma’s household hints when I saw that most of us were using chemical based cleaners to clean our greasy kitchen utensils every morning and evening. Not only was this bad for our general health, because there could be a side effect due to any possible residue of chemicals which had not been washed away during the last rinsing.
This is why this collection of grandma’s household hints, is going to be very useful for all those people who prefer natural or easily available remedies, and solutions available right there in the kitchen or gardens.
Apart from your home and kitchen, you are going to find long forgotten hints, which were used by your and my grandma to get rid of stains, preserve clothes from pests, and other tips, which may sound very amusing and surprising in this day and age. But you should remember that grandma was brought up in times when she had to watch every penny of grandpa’s limited income and make it stretch until it screeched. That is why, she was more prone to using her own natural good sense, inborn shrewdness, or knowledge passed to her from her own grandmother, friends, relatives, and from her neighbors too. In fact, they used to meet once in a while, and exchange household tips, which may have gone something like this “Oh, Mrs…., I have found it so easy to remove stains from my hands, by just rubbing a lemon over them, and I prevent chapping by drying my hands after I have done the washing and then rubbing a pinch of starch all over the surface, ”all the while waving those same unchapped stainless hands in the air. Read more…


Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Recipes


Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Recipes

Table of Contents
Grandma’s Herbal Decoctions
Cough/Cold Cure
Cramps and Joint Pain
Banana diet
Neem Remedy
Lemon Remedy
Fenugreek Cure
Fenugreek Poultice
Fenugreek Potato Recipe
Tomato Tip
Rheumatic Pain
Massage oil for Rheumatism
Basil Toothpaste for Keeping Your Teeth Healthy
Constipation Remedy
Gulqand-Rose Jam
How to Collect Wild Rose Petals
When Is This Jam Normally Made
Slow Sun Method
Fungal Infections in Nails
Honey and Onion Mix
Hiccup Cure
Making Desi Ghee
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Grandma was a great believer in natural remedies and cures. She knew that herbs and other plant products, were amazingly efficient, and effective in getting rid of minor ailments, which would be the lot and portion of her large family.
That is why she used all those nostrums, infusions, decoctions, and other herbal products which had been passed on to her by her grandma and so on down the ages. So here is another collection of grandma’s natural remedies and ancient herbal recipes to keep you healthy, as well as beautiful.
All these products are easily available right in your garden or in your kitchen. Best of all, they have no aftereffects and they have no side effects. That is because all these products are completely hundred percent natural.
Why are so many people going back to natural remedies and ancient herbal recipes, in the 21st century? That is because they have found that chemical-based drugs and medicines have a short-term effect. They may also come accompanied with toxic effects, and side effects. So you are going to find yourself suffering from these long-term aftereffects. However, that is definitely not the case when you are taking natural remedies, which have been made with hundred percent natural products.
And that is what grandma did. She gathered all the natural products available in her garden, or easily available in the woods, when she went rambling out gathering herbs, and brought them home. These were then used, to cure a number of ailments. Some of them seem rather drastic, but you need to remember that grandma was more of an experimenter. She knew that there was one product in these herbal combinations which did all the magic. The rest were just “filling.” Read more…