Health Learning Books

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Grandma’s Easy to Use Tips In the Kitchen and Outdoors


Grandma’s Easy to Use Tips In the Kitchen and Outdoors Volume 7

Table of Contents
How To Fix Things In The Kitchen
Kitchen Tips
Getting Rid Of Onion Fumes
Chewing Gum
Chilling bottles Really Quickly
Wooden Cloth Hanger And Magazine Rack
Muffin Tray As Sauce Server
Making Pasta Primavera superfast
Cake Fallen Apart?
Forgot to Defrost The Butter?
All Right, All Right, the Soup Has Boiled over!
Over Salted Soup
Mushy Vegetables
Very Bland Dish
Ran Out Of Bread Crumbs
Jelly Turned Watery
Emergency culinary Doctoring Items
Instant Soup
Gravy making – When to Put in Spices
Perpetual and Permanent Icepack
Using Drinking Straws Effectively
Reheating Leftovers in the Microwave
Burnt Pies
Too Spicy Main Dish
Keeping Your Wine Cool
Getting Rid of Wasps
Getting Rid of Bottle Labels
Regulating Your Diet
Resharpening Your Scissors Health
Getting Rid of Pimples Chemical Reaction of Metals to Skin Bronchitis
Radish Cure
Herbal Tea for Colds Tooth Ache Cure For Those Suffering from Arthritis
Get Rid of Chiggers
Curing Tonsillitis
Getting Rid of Vertigo or Migraine
Preventing Burning Fat Spills
In the Garden – Get Rid of Aphids
Sowing Small Seeds Uniformly
Protecting Your Grape Crop from Birds
Naphthalene Balls Remedy
Getting Rid of Ants
Basil and Mint Leaves
Ant Repulser Stick
Destroying an Ant Nest
Mosquito Bites
Tobacco Remedy
Soda Bicarbonate
Mint Toothpaste for Mosquito Bites
Getting Rid of Cellulite
Lemon Almond Oil Cream
Olive Oil/Cider Vinegar Lotion
What Is Sisal- You May Ask
Ivy Leaves for Getting Rid of Cellulite
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Grandma was not only a good household manager, taking care of her large family, on a limited budget, but she also needed to be a good cook and housekeeper. That is why, she used her experience and knowledge, to make sure that she learned all the easiest shortcuts, which would prevent her from throwing away items which were damaged, including clothes, food and other items around the house and garden. Consider this damage control done by grandma.
Grandma was the first recycler. Dresses were handed down from child to child, and if there was no child of that particular age, and that dress size, it was handed over to another member of the family where the dress could be utilized through more years of wear and tear. After the dress was torn to nearly rags and tatters, she used the cloth for stuffing cushions and pillows or for patching other dresses. This may sound extremely laughable to our world, where there is plenty, and we can throw away or just give away things, when we think they are getting old, but these were the ways in which household managers – the females – were brought up in the East and the West down the centuries. Waste not want not, was their motto.
So enjoy reading through these collected damage control tips, and techniques, which are going to help you keep healthy, fit, your house pest free and other techniques, all brought to you down the ages and time-tested.
Let us start with the kitchen.
The maximum number of accident, sickness at home and the kitchen somehow seems to be the gunpoint. Culinary mishaps take place all the time, there. But when they do, there should be no need to panic. There is a solution to every problem, if you do not fall into attitudes of hysteria and shock at every little disaster. And I know a few men and women who enjoy what is known in the 20th century as “creating.”
So instead of acting like a prima donna Cordon Bleu chef, you can follow something my grandmother said, “there are absolutely no problems, there are only imaginative solutions.” Especially in matters of these things happening when you are entertaining.
How to Fix Things in the Kitchen? Read more…


Grandma’s Natural Remedies And Ancient Recipes – How to cure a common cold and other health related remedies


Grandma’s Natural Remedies And Ancient Recipes – How to cure a common cold and other health related remedies

Table of contents
Grandma’s rules For Simple Living
Grandma’s easy Health Remedies
Wake up energy drink
Benefits of the Neem
Curing a cold
Tasty Cold Whisky Remedy
Butter Cold Syrup
Gingered Lemon Drink
Mustard Bath Powder
Hot and Cold Water Remedy
Traditional Golden Chicken Soup Remedy – The Way Grandma Made It
Time-tested Chest Rub
Vaseline – Camphor Remedy
Effective remedy for Catarrh
Antiseptic Way To Clear Catarrh
Amazing hay fever remedy
Sore throats
Hoarseness – recipe for children
Hoarseness – recipe for adults
Grandma’s Natural Cure for Obesity
Diet program
Conclusion – and some general gossip!

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In volume 3 of Grandma’s Natural Remedies And Ancient Recipes, you are going to get to know more about a number of different fruits, and vegetables which are going to enhance your health, and allow you to live long and prosper. These natural remedies have come down through word-of-mouth from grandmother to granddaughter, down the millenniums, in almost all the ancient civilizations, when it was the responsibility of the female of the family to make sure that her family kept healthy and survived in the times when superstition and bad hygiene was rife.
This is the reason why so many ancient remedies and herbal recipes, were used on a day to day basis, by grandma and these volumes comprise of a collection of the wisdom of the ages for all those people who believe in the power of nature to cure ailments from the root, instead of looking for chemical-based drugs to help cure them.
Remember that those were the days, when ignorance was also rife and many quacks came up with nostrums potions and brews. One can read about the most famous of them all, the witches brew in MacBeth . Grandma is not going to be putting eyes of newt and tongues of frogs in her remedies, but is going to tell us about how simple fruit juices and spices, can heal and cure common remedies.
Grandma knew all about how to remain beautiful, even when she was in her 80s and 90s. That is because she used the wisdom of ages, passed down to her, in simple rules of living.

Keep your family healthy the natural way! Read more…


Grandma’s Ancient Beauty Remedies From Her Kitchen


Grandma’s Ancient Beauty Remedies From Her Kitchen

Table of Contents
Natural Kohl- eyeliner for your eyes
Desi Ghee
Skin Softener
Turmeric for Pimples and Spots
Turmeric Skin Cleanser
Turmeric Exfoliator
Papaya Antiwrinkle Facemask
Green Grape Juice
Almond Wrinkle Cure
Rose Water Reducing Age Spots
Skin Softener
Turmeric for Pimples and Spots
Turmeric Skin Cleanser Turmeric Exfoliator
Papaya Antiwrinkle Facemask
Green Grape Juice
Almond Wrinkle Cure
Rose Water Reducing Age Spots
Removing Wrinkles and Fine Lines
Getting Rid of Dark Circles
Different Types of Facemasks
Milk Facemask
Nourishing and Cleansing Mask – Carrot/Turnip
Improve dull complexion
Fruit Juices
Oatmeal Mask
Sandalwood facemask
Antiwrinkle Facemasks
Beauty lotions
Fairness Lotion
Pore Shrinking Lotion
Bleaching lotion for sensitive skins
Coconut Water Bleacher
Cleansing Lotion Getting Rid of Sunburn Greasy Skin
Tired Eyes Beauty Tips for Hair Care
Simple Hair Conditioner Henna Shampoo Hair Cream
Bay Rum after Shave Lotion for Men
Corn Flour Hand Cream
Ancient Lips Salve
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Grandma definitely did not know anything about chemical products, when she was looking for beauty remedies and natural recipes. She just used the things that were closest at hand. These included fruits, vegetables, and spices. These also included natural products like Fullers earth, oatmeal, honey, yogurt, etc. It was only in the 19th century that she began to use glycerin as an additive in natural products. Until then all her beauty recipes were passed on to her, from her grandmother, and so on down the ages.
She also used to make hair pomades for grandpa, in Elizabethan times using animal fat. No wonder, grandpa did not bother much about the smelly atmosphere surrounding him in his house or outside, because after all, his scalp, and unwashed body stank as powerfully as his surroundings. Also, she painted her face with lead oxide and chalk powder in order to imitate the pale complexion of Queen Elizabeth, but that lead oxide was extremely poisonous and give her a very short life span. But then, she was just imitating her ancient Roman and Greek ancestresses who use a mixture of calcium carbonate, chalk and lead oxide to paint their faces, and then redden her lips with a red paint made up of clay and red iron oxide. In fact, this red paint on the lips was the prerogative of the Empress and her aristocratic friends in ancient Rome, though Greek women of all classes used it regularly. Also, it was allowed on women of the street in Rome. Virtuous Roman matrons never painted their lips, even though Plautus said that a woman without paint is like food without salt! Wonder about the company he kept.
One really enterprising Italian Signora Toffana thought up a face powder, which would consist of chalk and arsenic. She gave her woman clients instructions to use this powder upon their faces, only when they were in the company of their husbands. When the number of husbands dying due to arsenic poisoning began to escalate, the signora was executed, but she left behind a number of very wealthy and happy widow clients.
In Italy during the Middle Ages, it was fashionable to have a white skin, but golden hair was best achieved with a little bit of sun bleaching. So the ladies applied lemon juice all over their hair, and put on a wide brimmed hat to cover their faces. This wide brimmed hat, however, did not have any top. The hair was allowed to flow out of the open top, and bleach in the sun!
Egyptian ladies in ancient Egypt used egg whites and honey keep their skins youthful, butter and powdered barley to prevent and remove blemishes in their skin, and all that harsh effect of the Egyptian sun, neutralized with a mixture of milk and honey applied on their faces every day. In fact, I use cream and honey with a pinch of salt, every evening. Read more…


How to Be a Good Home Nurse – Tips on your family’s health


How to Be a Good Home Nurse Tips on your family’s health

Table of Contents
Failure to Follow a Doctor’s Instructions
Rest and Quiet for Your Patient
Take Your Prescribed Medicine Regularly
Seeking Medical Help Too Late
When to See a Doctor
Overuse or misuse Of Medications
Natural Vitamins and Chemical Supplements
Medical Records
Accidents Just Waiting to Happen
Taking Medical Health Training
Attention to the Family’s Diet
Cannot Do without Junk Food?
Potato Chips at Home
Spicy Salt Healthy Mix – to Sprinkle on Salads
Onion Flakes
Taking Care of Your Patient at Home
Making a Natural VapoRub
The Patients’ Diet
Food for the Sick
Recipe for Invalid Chicken Broth
Basic Egg omelets
French omelets Spanish omelet
Traditional Lemon Squash (Nimbu pani- lit- lemon water)
Tapioca Pudding
Onion Soup
Traditional Tomato Cheese Rarebit
How to Become A Home Health Aide
State Requirements for Home Health Aides
Author Bio

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Each of us is growing older with every passing moment, and most of us subconsciously have a nagging worry about who is going to take care of us, when we get old or when we are sick. Women, far more than men dread the idea of growing old. That is because they subconsciously have the fear that there will be nobody to take care of them, then they grow comparatively old and helpless. The first adjustment to this idea comes in middle age, with its foreshadowing of old age. This is when middle-aged people begin to think about the next stage of life.

If a woman has devoted her life to being the center of her family, she may look ahead fearfully to the days to come, when her children will be adults and will have flown the nest. If she has a happy married life, she knows that she has her partner, who is going to grow old with her. But unfortunately sometimes it just happens that homes break up and many people find themselves approaching middle age, and future old age, in loneliness. That is when they begin to take good care of their finances so that they have enough of money, which they can utilize when they are old.
Among all the impermanent and threatening shadows of the days to come, a woman may have before her the example of some cantankerous old lady who has become an unloved, and unwelcome burden to her children demanding and less attention from some already hard-pressed daughter-in-law or daughter.
And this condition worsens, if that person is ill. In the East, where the idea of sending parents to an old-age home, is still something of which one thinks of with loathing and abhorrence, nursing of the eldest generation is done at home. Affluent families keep home nurses who are professional. Other not so affluent families take care of the elders, not because it is their duty, but because it is part of the Eastern and Oriental social fabric, coming down the ages.
However, this idea is slowly being eroded in many cities, because the children are more bothered about making money, instead of giving proper care to their elders. The elders also try their best to keep away from under the children’s feet and make sure that they are financially secure. The day of the joint family is slowly and steadily disappearing, when the younger generations used to take care of the older generations.
It is often said by Easterners, that in many countries in the West, they have lost the sense of filial duty, which still exists in so many Latin and Eastern countries. This is where old people are respected and taken into their children’s homes. Westerners are often accused of heartlessness, because so often they send their parents away to live the rest of their lives in an old peoples home. This may be right, but one cannot generalize. Read more.. add-to-cart-click-here


The Magic of Coconuts For Cooking and Health


The Magic of Coconuts For Cooking and Health

Table of Contents
The Power of Coconut Oil
Which Coconuts To Plant
Coconut Birdhouse
Growing of Coconuts in a Nursery
Where to Grow a Coconut
Harvesting coconuts.
Other Uses of Coconuts
How to Make Coconut Butter
Coconut Cream and Coconut Milk
Coconut Cream
Coconut Milk Comes First
How to Make Coconut Cream Last Longer
Coconuts in Cuisine
Indonesian Chili Chicken
Simple Coconut Chutney
Traditional South Indian Coconut Chutney
Traditional Coconut Pudding
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The moment you hear the word “nut” you visualize a small, well, nut with a hard shell, which needs to be removed. So how did the coconut get to be called a nut, when it is definitely not a nut, but a drupe?
Whether drupe or nut, the name Coco was given to this native of South America, by Spanish explorers, because they thought that it resembled the face of a monkey [Coco.] In fact, the eyes as well as the hairy appearance of the enough, made them think of a monkey, but in ancient eastern mythology, it was considered to be the face of Lord Shiva the destroyer in Hindu mythology who had three eyes
For generations, the coconut has been considered to be the tree of life, because it has provided people down the ages, with everything they wished. Oil, juice, food to eat in the shape of coconut meat, coconut milk and everything nourishing, which you can get from the coconut is readily available at hand. All you have to do is climb the tree like a Coco and gather coconuts.
Did you know that more than one third of the world subsists on coconuts for survival? Many Countries have based their economies on coconut products. And that is why, in many parts of the East, cutting down the coconut tree is taboo, because of its spiritual, emotional, and traditional associated bond with human beings.
Coconuts are extremely rich in minerals, vitamins and in fiber. Doctors in coastal areas know that they do not have to worry about any harm coming to victims of typhoons and epidemics, as long as they are coconuts around.
Asian, Eastern and Pacific cultures have long use the products of coconut, for healing and curing, especially in alternative medicines. Coconut oil is considered to be the best moisturizer as well as healing base for medical preparations since ancient times. So everything from massaging to conditioning your hair and making beauty cosmetics from coconut have been a part of Eastern, Pacific and Asian culture for millenniums.
The West has finally woken up to the medical and healing potential of the coconut and its products. Thanks to extensive research being done in the UK and in the USA, people have got to know all about the healing power of the coconut. However, it was only when Jennifer Aniston was seen in the supermarket with lots of coconuts, that it began to become really popular in America as a healthy food item. Until then, it was just used as a hair conditioner or a skin moisturizer and in other natural beauty preparations.
Nobody can suffer from malnutrition or dehydration, if you have a coconut tree around.
It is surprising how recently modern research has found out that coconuts are both antiviral and antibacterial. In ancient Eastern medicine, people knew how to cure throat infections, mouth infections, bladder and urinary infections, kidney related diseases, influenza, pneumonia and other diseases caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi for millenniums. In fact, if you had a tree of life in your garden, you would live almost as long as did the tree.
That is because you were eating itself the fruit, which would keep you healthy and with a strong autoimmune system throughout your life. Read more..



The Magic of Cloves For Healing and Cooking


The Magic of Cloves For Healing and Cooking

Table of Contents
How to Grow Cloves
Growing from Seeds
Time for Germinating
Transplanting Your Seedlings
Water Water Everywhere and Not a Drop to Drink…
When Do You Get the Flowers and the Seeds?
When Do You Harvest Them?
Can You Grow Clove Plants from Cuttings?
Clove Pomander
Clove Oil
Cloves in Ancient Remedies
Cloves as Insect Repellent
Suffering from Diarrhea?
Not Feeling Hungry?
Chest Congestion
Throat Infections
Healing Cuts and Bruises
Clove – Cinnamon Ointment
Cloves in Making Masalas
Garam Masala
Lamb Roast with Cloves
Dal Fry
Anyone for Tempering?
Winter oil

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I remember my father recounting a traditional and ancient Persian poem to me, which he had learned when his grandmother was busy cooking in the kitchen. She was just following ancient traditions, when women from the Mogul times – 14th-century – sang this song for fun in the kitchen, while cooking and amusing their kids at the same time.
The translation from the vernacular goes something like this –
Clove and cardamom – good pals they
Went for a forbidden swim for kicks.
And soon we heard Clove yelling.
“Golly, cardamom has gone for a six ”.
¬ and so on, in more hilarious verses, about how clove would and could not bother to drag the drowning cardamom out of the water, because he would get wet, catch a cold, his momma had told him not to go swimming, and so on! Until cardamom came out of the water and both went home.
Home, meaning the tummy of a gourmet who would appreciate the presence of cloves and cardamom in his delicately seasoned dish.
The Association of cloves and cardamoms have been a part of the lives of spices in the East. Where you put in a couple of ground cloves, you may be asked whether you want to add some more cardamoms in, too. Most often, you say yes, because after all that is going to increase the taste quotient. Cloves also go well with cinnamon, star anise, basil and pepper.

Nevertheless, this book is going to tell you all about the magic of cloves, which has been considered to be one of the most precious spices treasured down the centuries by the West. Wars were fought for cardamoms, cinnamon, pepper and cloves. Trade routes to the Indies, and to the East were jealously guarded by adventurous traders in the West.
Cloves first originated in Indonesia from where traders took them all over the world, in ancient times. In fact, 3000 years ago, a Chinese emperor asked his courtiers to chew ding xiang in order to keep their breath fresh, when they came into his presence.
Apart from its use in medicine, it was, and is also used extensively to add taste, sweetness, and warmth to a dish.
Archaeologists have found traces of cloves in archaeological excavations going back to 1721 BC in Syria. So this shows how long this great and precious spice has been associated with mankind. Read more…



The Magic of Chillies For Cooking and Healing


The Magic of Chillies For Cooking and Healing

Table of Contents
What Is the Difference between Chillies and Chili Peppers?
How to Grow Chillies.
Growing Chillies from Their Seeds
What Makes the Chillie so Hot?
Why Do People Crave Chillies?
Original Traditional Cuisine Including Curries.
Spicy Dry Chicken Curry.
Red-Hot Thai Curry Paste
Massaman Curry Paste
Massaman Beef Curry
Measuring the Heat of Chillies
Chillies for Healing
Traditional Winter Hot Oil
Chillies Infused Oil
Traditional Hungarian Goulash.
Desi Ghee
How to Make Coconut Cream
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Why is it to that the word “Chillies” does not conjure up a vista of something really hot, in the Eastern mind, but does so, in the Western mind? That is because few Easterners are particularly fascinated by the heat of chillies, because as they say, Familiarity Breeds Contempt. They are so used to having chillies as a part of the daily cuisine, and in their natural remedies, that it has never been an exotic spice or a herb to them.
An Easterner knows that chillies are hot. He knows that he can alleviate the burning sensation by taking a spoonful of yogurt, or a spoonful of sugar. In fact, in 1902, an American pharmacist William Scoville did some research on how many drops of sugar water were needed to alleviate the burning sensation of a hot chili pepper! But in the East, the chillies are just not restricted to their heat content – they are used to give the deep red color to gravies, especially hot red curries and gravies like Goan Vindaloos and Rogan Josh. Eastern sauces and pickles are given their piquancy with a handful of chillies.
Some of the milder chillies are stuffed with a mixture of spices and mashed potatoes, and served as a vegetable. Capsicum is a good example of that particular chillie family.
Chillies are just not an integral part of Indian cuisine; they are also very popular among the Chinese, the Thais and other oriental and Eastern cuisine, excepting the Japanese. The Japanese, have kept away from the Chillie Revolution, and that is why their food, though delicious and nutritious is comparatively bland in heat content.
Thai cuisine is a mixture of heat and herbs and spices. Chillies are just sprinkle on the top of the Thai dishes, to lend color, and flavor. They are also sprinkle on Thai salads in powdered form, to give the salads the touch of hot piquancy. Read more…



Natural Cures of Anxiety


Natural Cures of Anxiety – Health Learning Series

Natural Cures of Anxiety

Table of Contents
Warning Shots
Chapter # 1: Overview
Chapter # 2: Physiological Symptoms of Anxiety
Chapter # 3: Physical Symptoms of Anxiety
Chapter # 4: Causes of Anxiety Disorders
Chapter # 5: Types of Anxiety Disorders
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Chapter # 1: What is it?
Chapter # 2: Symptoms of GAD
Chapter # 3: Treatment
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Chapter # 1: What is it?
Chapter # 2: Symptoms of OCD
Chapter # 3: Treatment
Chapter # 1: What is it?
Chapter # 2: Symptoms of Phobia
Chapter # 3: Treatment
Social Anxiety Disorder
Chapter # 1: What is it?
Chapter # 2: Symptoms of SAD
Chapter # 3: Treatment
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Chapter # 1: What is it?
Chapter # 2: Symptoms of PTSD
Chapter # 3: Treatment

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Anxiety, what is it? The common perception of anxiety is a disorder that keeps a person all tense and worried. The reality however is quite different; Anxiety is not itself a disorder, it is a universal term used for a collection of disorders that cause fear, nervousness, worrying, apprehension, etc. These may sometimes be combined with physical symptoms that include shaking, sweating, chest pains and headaches. Anxiety is not a disease or an epidemic but is a natural response to certain events; for example you may feel anxious on a roller-coaster or when you’re trying to finish a test in the last few minutes. Therefore, no one is immune to anxiety; anyone can have a sudden anxiety attack and experience symptoms of anxiety.Many people are not always under the effect of anxiety but experience sudden jitters or anxiety attacks.
Initially anxiety is not dangerous but it can become a problem when you start to feel anxious for no reason. This is the first sign of danger and if left unattended can cause problem that can disrupt your entire social and professional life.
“Reading, learning and even thinking about tackling anxiety will make you more anxious.”
– Unknown
Right now and right here, it should be clear to you that this is an entirely false and ridiculous myth and believing it would do you no good. If you don’t know what you’re dealing with how are you supposed to counter it? So do not let this thought become a hurdle in managing anxiety.
In this book you’ll learn how to counter every disorder associated with anxiety and you’ll learn to do it naturally! Therefore, just relax and get ready to get all that uninvited anxiety right out of your system. Read more..



Medical Conditions Requiring Paleo Diet


Medical Conditions Requiring Paleo Diet – Health Learning Series

Table Of Contents
Introduction: The ancient diet
Section one:
Knowing paleo diet
Paleo diet explained.
Dissecting paleo diet: An analysis of its components
Section two:
Medical conditions benefiting from paleo diet
Cardiovascular diseases: A heart protecting diet
Diabetes: Too much sweetness, too many problems.
Obesity: Eat less, get thinner but with more energy
Sleep problems: A soothing diet
Allergies: “I am totally natural” says paleo diet
• Skin problems: Be gone you rashes!
• Autoimmune diseases: Protecting you from your own self

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Introduction: The ancient diet
In the search for the best diet, a theory was presented in the 1980s. The theory reminded humans of their ancestors and the healthy lives they used to live. It blamed the development of modern diseases on our present imperfect diet which it considers a recent innovation as compared to what our bodies have been adapting to, for the major part of history. It says that if we eat the diet of our ancestors, we will return to that healthy state and the diseases of our present time will fade away into non-existence. This is the concept behind paleo diet.
Paleo diet, a modern adaptation of the supposed diet of our ancestors, is claimed to be the solution to the dietary hazards of our time. Can it really provide benefits over our present diet? Can it really be the solution of hazardous diseases that have plagued the modern society? This book discusses the advantages of paleo diet over modern diet relevant to the cure of diseases and assumes the position that indeed, paleo diet can be the solution for the major diseases of our age. Read more…



How to Reduce the Chances of a Heart Attack


How to Reduce the Chances of a Heart Attack

How to Reduce the Chances of a Heart Attack – Health Learning Series

Table of Contents
Section one- Heart attack – an overview
Heart attack – A crumbling of your heart.
Symptoms – When you know it’s coming…
Risk factors – The heart breakers!
Grave prognosis — Why you should bother trying to avoid a heart attack.
Section Two- Reducing heart attacks
Effective prophylaxis – an introduction
Medication free strategies – Who needs a doctor?
Dietary changes
Say no to smoking
Regular exercise
Put a check on your weight.
Stress management
Herbal and nutritional supplements
Get regular check ups
Medicines – Well, sometimes you do (need a doctor)
Antiplatelet agents
ACE inhibitors
Angiotensin receptor blockers
Beta blockers
Work Plan – monitor your progress

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Imagine that you are breezing through life and life seems to be going so smoothly ; you are so full of life that you do not even have the time to look after yourself, much less others. Visit to your doctor can wait, of course, because right now nothing is wrong with you. You are perfectly okay. And then one day you are running to congratulate your son, who has perhaps just graduated from his high school or maybe you are getting late for some appointment and suddenly, an excruciating pain arises in your chest and goes to your shoulder… you want it to subside but the pain keeps gripping you. You feel as if your life is at an end. But you don’t want it to end. There is so much to do. But you can’t stand on your feet anymore. You feel yourself falling, falling, falling and may be you won’t wake up again.

The above account describes heart attack in a nutshell. And according the American Heart Association,

“About 7,250,000 Americans have a heart attack each year”

So, it’s quite common, common enough that someday I and you could encounter this situation too. However, it’s not like we can’t do anything about it. While there’s no vaccine for heart attack, we can, however, significantly reduce the chances of getting a heart attack by making simple changes in our routines. This book will attempt to highlight the fact that you can, by knowing about heart attack and what risks it poses, make subtle changes in your routine and diet that will go a long way towards reducing the risk of heart attack. I must emphasize here, however, that this is no reference book and it can reinforce but cannot replace a good doctor’s advice. So, while I assure you that you will find it very informative and helpful, do not rely solely on this book for curing a heart attack; instead consult a doctor as well. With this caution in mind, let us now first see what this heart attack, which takes away the lives of so many people each year, really is, before diving into what we can do to avoid it. Read more…
