Health Learning Books

JD-Biz Corp Publishing

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How to Get Rid of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension Naturally


How to Get Rid of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension Naturally – Health Learning Series

Table of Contents.
• Introduction.
Section one- Knowing hypertension.
• What is hypertension?
• Do you have hypertension? – Access by Symptoms.
• What causes hypertension?
• Health risks due to hypertension- Read Now!
Section Two- Treatments of hypertension.
• Treatments of hypertension- An overview.
• Treat hypertension from common home stuff- Home remedies.
• Try some herbs.
• Change your life style.
• Be careful of what you eat.
• Medicines for hypertension- An effective remedy.
• Surgical correction of hypertension.

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“In the United States, about 77.9 million (1 out of 3) adults have high blood pressure.”
(American Heart Association, 2013 fact sheet)
According to the same report, the prevalence of hypertension in the United States population is likely to increase by 7.2% in 2030 as compared to 2013. The American population spends a total of 52 billion $ for the treatment of hypertension and its associated complications. Hypertension is reported as one of the leading causes of death throughout the world. The death toll has significantly increased due to the hypertension induced stroke and heart attack.

“In the United States, about 69% of people who have a first heart attack, 77% who have a first stroke, and 74% who have a first congestive heart failure have blood pressure higher than 140/90 mmHg”
(American Heart Association, 2013 fact sheet)
So, cure of hypertension is essential for healthy living and increasing life expectancy. If you are looking for effective remedies for hypertension, then “How to get rid of hypertension? Read Now!” is the book you need. This book gives a detailed yet quick review of all the homemade, herbal, allopathic and surgical remedies for hypertension.
Each chapter of this book gives you a deep insight to the basic causes of hypertension and helps answer your basic question: “How to get rid of hypertension?”
Following the guidelines regarding the life style changes, eating habits, herbal and homemade remedies, and allopathic treatments, mentioned in this book, you can overcome this problem in a quick and effective manner and can prevent the relapse of symptoms. Read more…



How to Avoid Brain Aging – Dementia – Memory Loss – Health Learning Series


How to Avoid Brain Aging – Dementia – Memory Loss – Health Learning Series

Table of Contents
Section one:
How human brain works?
What is brain aging?
How to avoid brain aging?
Section two:
Dos to avoid brain aging:
Regular exercise.
Healthy diet.
Healthy social interactions.
Improve your brain potential.
Section three:
Don’ts to avoid brain aging:
Alcohol intake.
Drug abuse.
Inadequate sleep.
Health issues.
Excessive use of medicines and supplements.
A quick review.

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Is increasing age withering the performance of your brain? Are you clueless how to avoid the side effects of aging on your brain health? Is your aging brain ruining your life? No matter how many problems you have faced because of your increasing age, “How to avoid brain aging?” gives you a quick review of all the dos and don’ts for a successful brain aging.
Each chapter of this book gives you a deep insight to the basic causes of brain aging and helps answer your basic question: “How to avoid brain aging?”
Following the guidelines regarding life style changes, eating habits, social interactions and habits to avoid, you can overcome the problem of brain aging in a quick and effective manner and can lead a healthy and active life. Read more…



Health Benefits of Meditation – Health Learning Series


Health Benefits of Meditation – Health Learning Series

Table of Contents

SECTION I – Getting Started
Chapter # 1: Intro
Chapter # 2: Why Meditate?
Chapter # 3: Types of Meditation
Chapter # 4: General Guidelines to Meditation

SECTION II – Benefits of Meditation to the Brain
Chapter # 1: Behind the Scenes
Chapter # 2: Better focus & Greater Emotional Response
Chapter # 3: More Creativity and Better memory
Chapter # 4: Less Stress & Anxiety

SECTION III – Benefits of Meditation to the Body
Chapter # 1: Better Immunity
Chapter # 2: Control on Blood Pressure
Chapter # 3: Pain Relief
Chapter # 4: Improved Digestion
Chapter # 5: Cure Headaches
Chapter # 6: Overcome Addictions
Chapter # 7: Lower Cholesterol Levels

SECTION IV– Conclusion

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Social pressure, packed schedules and flailing economies; who has time or the money to even think, let alone practice any type of fitness or health regime. Even those who have the gift of time soon find themselves stuck in the web of, what is mostly an artificial and synthetic dieting market, not realizing they would totally be at the mercy of the industry that’s just out there for their money.
In this deranged scene, a world wide revival was made by an art, practiced for over a thousands of years, ‘meditation’. Shooting to fame in the 60s, meditation has been the subject of thousands of scientific studies, with the most heavy ones being taken after the 70s. What is meditation? When most people listen to the word meditation, the image of a Buddhist monk sitting in a weird position comes to mind. This, no doubt is the main idea behind meditation, is still not the extent of it. Before knowing what meditation is, you must know what it is not.
Meditation is not:
• Concentration: An attempt to hold one’s attention on one specific idea or entity for a usually, long period of time. The techniques used in meditation are just a bit related to the word.
• Losing Control: Voices, sounds, involuntary movements and spasms have no relation with meditation. These are just signs of loss of awareness, showing that one no longer controls some or most of his/her body.
• Exercises: Physical positions, postures and heavy breathing are also not meditation. These practices can help establish a greater balance in your body, but only if practiced under the supervision of a master. Without a master’s guidance, you’ll just be hindering your body’s to channel its energy in the right way.
• Mental effort: For instance, if you keep on thinking about one thing you won’t go anywhere with your practice.
Meditation is a tool that helps you rediscover your own inner intelligence. It is keeping the mind quiet, finding the silence that already runs in our nerves and making it an active part of the life. From this increased sense of awareness, you attain intuition, inspiration and complete control and connection, down to the last nerve of the body. In effect you gain countless benefits, not just emotional or spiritual but physical too; you block out countless allergies, disorders and diseases that can or have ravaged through your body. Remember that there is no one way to meditate and in comparison one way is not better than the other as they all use the same principle at the core.
In this book you’ll learn all about the benefits of meditation, how it is done and how it provides relief by using only the body’s own ability and not any medication. You will see that nature doesn’t put a cost on health and well-being.
So forget about your stress and take and relax, because your life is about to get a lot better! Read more…
