Health Learning Books

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Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Recipes


Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Recipes – Volume 4

Table of Contents
What is The Importance Of fruit, vegetables, herbs And spices?
Spices in Your Daily Diet
Grandma – Cook and Medicine Woman
Garam Masala Recipe
Massaman Masala
Grandma’s Herbal Tips
Controlling High Blood Pressure
Why Grandma Did Not Fuss
Curing Cuts, Bruises And Wounds
Nervous problems/Irritability
Obesity Cure
Curry leaves
Lemon Juice Regime
Losing weight Through Exercise? How Boring!
Author Bio

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In this fourth volume of grandma’s ancient natural remedies and herbal recipes, you are going to get a collection of recipes, in which grandmother used fruit, vegetables, herbs and spices to cure her family and also the neighbors around her.
These remedies were given to her down the ages from our grandmother, and so on. Many of these remedies have been lost in the mists of time, but there were still some people in ancient times who wrote these remedies down in books.
In 800 BC, Homer praised the knowledge of ancient Egyptians, who were extremely skilled in noninvasive surgery, and treatment of ailments. Ancient well-known Greek and Roman medicine men like Galen and Hippocrates gained plenty of their knowledge studying in the University of Amenhotep and the great and glorious physician Lucanus – known in Biblical history as Saint Luke – studied under Greek and Egyptian physicians.
There were plenty of physicians who believe in spells, and considered that disease was caused by evil demons. Tibetan and other Eastern medicine still uses incantations to get rid of demons which have possessed a human or an animal body, thus causing it to get sick.
In Indian and Chinese medicine, the ancient doctors had a good knowledge of the human anatomy. More than 4000 years ago, doctors in India were practicing plastic surgery, by making up noses from flaps of skin taken from other parts of the body. In the same manner, Chinese doctors knew all about blood circulation and acupuncture.
In fact, Chinese medicine can be considered to be one of the most ancient, scientific and knowledgeable science ever known to mankind in today’s world. It was well documented, as was Egyptian medicine, of which many ancient priceless papyri have been found.
Many of these ancient doctors knew about cause and effect, even though the belief of disease causing demons possessing a body still lingers on in many parts of the East. People are also under the impression that diseases are under the control and power of gods and goddesses who have to be placated so that they do not send an epidemic in the coming rainy season.
Egypt, China, Greece, Mesopotamia, and India were fertile lands. That is why there was absolutely no reason why the people living here could not have plenty of healthy food to eat. Grains, fruit, vegetables, cereals, spices, nuts, and other natural health giving food were in abundance. This is why the ancients lived so long. Because of this healthy natural diet, and most of the people living outdoors, ailments and illnesses were few.

That is why people of the 21st century are coming back to nature and looking for natural remedies based on fruit and vegetables, which are going to cure them of diseases and ailments. Chemical-based drugs may heal you very well on a short-term basis, but they are going to have an everlasting long-term effect on your body. That is because they are made up of chemicals, which do not suit the bio-physiological functioning system of your body.
On the other hand, fruits and vegetables as well as herbs are going to heal your body naturally, while making sure that you do not suffer from any sort of side effects. This is the reason why grandma ‘s collected herbal lore and knowledge is all about the wonderful medical and beauty enhancing benefits of different herbs, spices, fruit, vegetables and flowers. Read more…


How to Get Rid of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension Naturally


How to Get Rid of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension Naturally – Health Learning Series

Table of Contents.
• Introduction.
Section one- Knowing hypertension.
• What is hypertension?
• Do you have hypertension? – Access by Symptoms.
• What causes hypertension?
• Health risks due to hypertension- Read Now!
Section Two- Treatments of hypertension.
• Treatments of hypertension- An overview.
• Treat hypertension from common home stuff- Home remedies.
• Try some herbs.
• Change your life style.
• Be careful of what you eat.
• Medicines for hypertension- An effective remedy.
• Surgical correction of hypertension.

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“In the United States, about 77.9 million (1 out of 3) adults have high blood pressure.”
(American Heart Association, 2013 fact sheet)
According to the same report, the prevalence of hypertension in the United States population is likely to increase by 7.2% in 2030 as compared to 2013. The American population spends a total of 52 billion $ for the treatment of hypertension and its associated complications. Hypertension is reported as one of the leading causes of death throughout the world. The death toll has significantly increased due to the hypertension induced stroke and heart attack.

“In the United States, about 69% of people who have a first heart attack, 77% who have a first stroke, and 74% who have a first congestive heart failure have blood pressure higher than 140/90 mmHg”
(American Heart Association, 2013 fact sheet)
So, cure of hypertension is essential for healthy living and increasing life expectancy. If you are looking for effective remedies for hypertension, then “How to get rid of hypertension? Read Now!” is the book you need. This book gives a detailed yet quick review of all the homemade, herbal, allopathic and surgical remedies for hypertension.
Each chapter of this book gives you a deep insight to the basic causes of hypertension and helps answer your basic question: “How to get rid of hypertension?”
Following the guidelines regarding the life style changes, eating habits, herbal and homemade remedies, and allopathic treatments, mentioned in this book, you can overcome this problem in a quick and effective manner and can prevent the relapse of symptoms. Read more…



Eliminate Pain! How to Get Rid of Arthritis and Joint Pain Naturally!


Eliminate Pain! How to Get Rid of Arthritis and Joint Pain Naturally!

Are you worried about your arthritis problem? Is arthritis pain ruining your life? Does it make you feel useless and handicapped? Do you wish to live a healthy and normal life again? Now arthritis is not an issue of mystery anymore because it can be cured and treated well.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. What is Arthritis?
3. Types of Arthritis
4. Symptoms of Arthritis
5. Causes of Arthritis
6. Home Remedies for Arthritis
7. Lifestyle Changes During Arthritis
8. Physiotherapy Treatment for Arthritis
9. Foods to Eat During Arthritis
10. Foods to Avoid During Arthritis
11. Allopathic treatment for arthritis
12. Surgical Treatment for Arthritis
13. Photo Credits

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All your questions, concerns and queries are going to be answered through this book «How to get rid of arthritis and joint pain naturally». This book will give you a brief review of all the possible causes and treatments of arthritis.
The book will provide you guideline regarding the lifestyle changes, eating habits, medical treatment, surgical treatment and natural remedies for arthritis. Having a detail look of this book will help you overcome the arthritis within no time. Read more..
