Health Learning Books

JD-Biz Corp Publishing

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How to Eliminate Heart Burn and Acid Reflux Naturally – Health Learning Series


How to Eliminate Heart Burn and Acid Reflux Naturally – Health Learning Series

Table of Contents

• Introduction

Section one:
• What is heart burn?
• Symptoms of heart burn.
o In adults
o In children
• What are the causes of heart burn?

Section two:
• How to get rid of heart burn?
o Life style changes.
o Home remedies for heart burn.
o Herbal treatment for heart burn.
o Medication for heart burn.
o Posture changes while sleeping.
o Posture changes while eating.
o Stress management and heart burn.
o Surgical treatment for heart burn

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Are you clueless how to get rid of heart burn? Do you need help overcoming the burning pain you experience before or after eating your meals? Is heart burn ruining your life? No matter how old your problem of heart burn may be, “How to get rid of heart burn and Acid Reflux Naturally” gives you a quick review of all homemade, herbal, allopathic and surgical remedies for heart burn.
Each chapter of this book gives you a deep insight to the basic causes of heart burn and helps answer your basic question “How to get rid of this condition?”
Following the guidelines regarding life style changes, eating habits and medical care, mentioned in this book, you can overcome this problem in a quick and effective manner and can prevent the relapse of symptoms. Read more..


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