Health Learning Books

JD-Biz Corp Publishing

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Natural Cures for Acne


Natural Cures for Acne

Table of contents
SECTION 1: A Glance At Acne
Chapter 1:
Acne: An Intro.
Chapter 2:
Understanding Pimples.
Chapter 3:
Time To Worry
Chapter 4:
Recipe Card of Acne
Chapter 5:
What Makes Acne Grow Enormously?
Menstrual cycle:
Hot climate:
Tweaking the pimple:
Bad hygiene:
If you’re wondering whether alcohol causes skin issues, check out
SECTION 2: Give a Punch to Acne
Chapter 1:
Sanative Lifestyle
Chapter 2:
Intrude On Your Kitchen
Chapter 3:
Hunt For Herbs/Spices.
Chapter 4:
Diet For Right

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How badly we all wanted to be a teenager when we were little kids? But who knew this teenage comes with incalculable challenges of acne. Being a teenager, you have gone through the times, when you looked at yourself in the mirror and screeched, “No, not again, a pimple”. Then surely there is rush to peel your face in order to make this bad mark disappear. If so, then we are here to help you out.
If you are an acne sufferer, then this book will help you find out quick and easy recipes to kick the pimple out of your skin. On reading this book, you will have a new understanding of your problem. Each chapter of this book contains all the information that can help you to combat acne and give yourself a fresh morning. Read more…


The Magic of Asafetida For Cooking and Healing


The Magic of Asafetida For Cooking and Healing

Table of Contents
How to Grow Asafetida
Harvesting the Sap
Type of Soil?
Watering Your Plant
Sowing the Seedlings
Asafetida to Heal
Fishing Bait
Ceremonial Magic
Throat Infections
Influenza Remedy
Urinary Infections
Bronchitis Cure
Heeng Spicy Mix
Arthritis Oil
Strengthening a Heart
Healthy Heart Mix
Suffering from Diarrhea/Dysentery
Mango Cure
So How Do You Make Buttermilk?
Making Clarified Butter the Traditional Way
Tempering Your Food with Asafetida.
Chicken in the Wok.
Author Bio

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This book introduces you to one of the most notorious of all spices – the Asafetida. Many people do not use it, as a flavoring ingredient in their foods, because they say it smells. Nevertheless, this spice has been an integral part of the cuisine found near the regions, of the NWFP , which is now called Afghanistan.
My father was born in this area, and he talks about remembering Pakhtoons crossing the border with their backpacks full of dried fruit, Asafetida, and spices, which they used to grow on the mountains of Afghanistan. This Asafetida was collected as sap from the taproot of an indigenous plant, which grew extensively all over that region.
He remembers, running after the gruff Afghani salesmen saying “Khan-a, Kharo Moshai” which was a greeting to the Khan. In return, a gruff baritone would always answer Khara Moshay in return. These vendors sold their products, from door to door, and one knew that they were going to be getting original spices, dry fruits, as well as natural Asafetida without any sort of adulteration. That is why this spice is so expensive. Implementing a comprehensive Japanese knotweed management plan could help mitigate its spread and preserve the ecosystem’s integrity.
The call of these door to door salesman always used to be “Heeng-o-jeera” which meant Asafetida and cumin seeds. That is why, Asafetida cannot do without cumin seeds and vice versa, when you are cooking a traditionally Eastern dish.
It is on par with saffron, which is often adulterated with other dried flower stamens. Pure Asafetida powder is going to have its particular smell and that is why it is not used more than one pinch to give any dish, a taste of onions or leeks.
Since ancient times, Asafetida has been used as a medicine to cure lots of ailments. In the West, it was considered to be the devils dung, because of its fetid odor and lumpy yellowish dung like look. That is why it was used in black magic rituals. No wonder it got a notorious reputation in medieval times.
Any woman buying this spice would immediately be labeled as a Devil’s disciple, and would either be burned at the stake or ducked in the nearest pond. However, this sort of ritualism was definitely not a part of Eastern cuisine, or Eastern ancient medical alternative medicine tradition.
This is also known as giant fennel, and as fennel is traditionally called ajowain, Asafetida was called jowani badian- the badian meaning excellent in the vernacular. So excellent fennel!
Tempering in the Indian subcontinent cannot do without Asafetida. Every proud housewife has this ingredient in her kitchen, and all she has to do is put clarified butter in the wok, a hefty pinch of Asafetida, and some onion seeds and mustard seeds. When they start spluttering, she empties out her lentils dish or meat dish on top of this red-hot tempering oil. It will be served sizzling hot to people who enjoy their food.
In many parts of India, many people do not eat onions and garlic, because traditionally, they consider these herbs of not being a part of their ancient and traditional religious beliefs. That is why a pinch of Asafetida was enough to give the food an “onion taste.”
South Indian food, traditionally the sambhar you eat with traditional vegetarian foods like idli and dosai are tempered with a small bit of Asafetida, so that this food is acceptable to even all those people who are extremely particular about garlic, and onions in their diets! This tempering is called Popu in South India and Tadka in North India. Read more..


Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Beauty Recipes – Natural Remedies and Beauty Recipes From Your Kitchen And Garden


Grandma’s Natural Remedies and Ancient Herbal Beauty Recipes
Natural Remedies and Beauty Recipes From Your Kitchen And Garden

Table of Contents
Rules for Staying Healthy [With My Views, Opinions and Experience.]
Remedies for Different Ailments
Hemorrhoids cream
What Is Black Salt?
Oh, Those Pearlies… (Tooth and mouth care)
Loose gums
Ulcers in your mouth
Drooling/Excess salivation
Toothache powder
Sensitive teeth
The Magic Of Face Masks
How to Make Your Own Personalized Face Masks?
Masks for a dry skin
Tomato mask
What is Fuller’s Earth?
Orange mask
Masks for an oily skin
Honey mask.
Cucumber mask
How to make salty lassi to prevent dehydration in summer
Mattha – spicy lassi
Recipe- How to make jalebis dripping in sugar syrup
How to make Desi Ghee (clarified butter).
How to make Rose water (Gulab Jal)
Author Bio

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Somebody asked me once why I did not become a doctor and then join the Defense Services as a Doctor like the majority of my family members? Here was I with an easily obtained Degree in Natural Sciences and all my knowledge – garnered during a peripatetic childhood and youth-about natural remedies, ancient medicine and natural healing processes.
The medical or the engineering fields were the only options left for good students, during the time I was at University. And I give them my stock answer, which I consider logical and sensible, “If I become a doctor, I will be giving my patients chemical-based medicine, and I will just be curing their bodies. On the other hand, if I stick to my habit of learning more about natural remedies and ancient remedies, I will be curing their bodies, as well as fighting the disease from the root onwards.”
My grandmother had learned about natural remedies and beauty recipes from her grandmother, and this wisdom was passed down the ages, from mother to daughter. For millenniums, every mother in every ancient civilization taught her daughters the rudimentary art of survival and staying beautiful and youthful with fruits, vegetables, spices, and herbs. This is now considered to be alternative medicine by doctors in the West. But this was the medicine with which people survived through centuries and stayed healthy.
So if you believe in natural remedies, and naturopathic treatments, the cures are right around you. But many of us would rather go to a doctor and get some expensive medicine. The side effect of that medicine is going to be that some other part of our system is going to get affected. After that we go back to the doctor again and get some medicine to treat that side effect. That medicine produces another side effect. This is going to be your way of living for the rest of your life. However, if you eat natural medicines, you are never going to suffer from any sort of side effects. That is because natural products are more tuned to your body’s systems and natural needs, than chemical drugs are.
Say no to chemical drugs as far as possible
For all those who have read Lloyd C Douglas’ Magnificent Obsession and liked it, Mr. Douglas had some more words spoken by another of his popular characters, in “Disputed Passage”. That doctor said something on the lines of – it is not our duty to just cure the body. We have to cure the mind and spirit too and heal them”, much to the disgust of doctor Tubby Forrester, who considered every human to be a machine which needed to be put right, and where did emotions and spirit and soul come into this curing process?
At the end of the story, Dr. Forrester had to accept the fact that human beings had to be treated by doctors who understood their psychological, mental, spiritual and emotional makeup. Unfortunately, this is not being done today, because doctors are harried, and have to see a number of patients till the end of a day. Read more…


Eliminate Pain! How to Get Rid of Arthritis and Joint Pain Naturally!


Eliminate Pain! How to Get Rid of Arthritis and Joint Pain Naturally!

Are you worried about your arthritis problem? Is arthritis pain ruining your life? Does it make you feel useless and handicapped? Do you wish to live a healthy and normal life again? Now arthritis is not an issue of mystery anymore because it can be cured and treated well.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. What is Arthritis?
3. Types of Arthritis
4. Symptoms of Arthritis
5. Causes of Arthritis
6. Home Remedies for Arthritis
7. Lifestyle Changes During Arthritis
8. Physiotherapy Treatment for Arthritis
9. Foods to Eat During Arthritis
10. Foods to Avoid During Arthritis
11. Allopathic treatment for arthritis
12. Surgical Treatment for Arthritis
13. Photo Credits

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All your questions, concerns and queries are going to be answered through this book «How to get rid of arthritis and joint pain naturally». This book will give you a brief review of all the possible causes and treatments of arthritis.
The book will provide you guideline regarding the lifestyle changes, eating habits, medical treatment, surgical treatment and natural remedies for arthritis. Having a detail look of this book will help you overcome the arthritis within no time. Read more..
